March 16, 2013It doesn’t seem as if the date, March 16, and summertime should go together; however, in Mid-hot-land, evidently, they do. It was 88 degrees yesterday, but my friend, Jean, assures me there is “always one more cold spell before Easter”. I’m thinking Jean’s idea of a cold spell and mine are widely divergent.
Chris utilizes our fancy tailgate grilling platform |
So now that we acclimated to the warmer climes of Mid-le-of-nowhere-land, we are headed back to our higher elevations at home for a week of packing. I am told that it is currently “nice” there, so perhaps we won’t actually freeze our tushies off.
Our house is sold, so we will pack up our belongings and put it all into storage before returning to Mid-now home-land. I typed this while driving toward Prescott, at least I typed until the computer ran out of juice. A good thing it did, too, because I would not have run out of words. At any rate, this blog rambles back and forth between trips, not for the first time.
The kids are getting a little weepy about letting the house go to someone else. Lewis is the only one nearby and he has been doing his walk-through farewells, but the other two won’t have the opportunity.
It is the end of an era during which extended family and a multitude of friends have contributed to the energy that permeated the place; each tucks their own memories into their hearts, hopefully knowing the place itself is not important, but that the lives lived there are what matter.
I will indulge myself a bit as I conjure memories of those 37 years, more than half of my 66 years. Yesterday, I followed through on a plan to purchase a house-warming gift for the new owner. Lowe’s was my store of choice and because I intended to buy a bird feeder (hint, hint: my birds are moochers of long-standing to such an extent that I have paid someone to feed and water them while I am gone). I entered the store through the garden section because that is where I expected to find bird feeders.
That is when it became undeniably evident that I am conflicted to a most extreme degree. There I was wanting to sell my home partially to be freed of the endless toil we have created for ourselves with all our plantings. That seems like a logical step at my age.
Why then do I yearn to purchase all these wonderful bedding plants and to get right to work on my gardens? I could barely control myself; it set me to thinking of individual loved plants I am leaving behind. I am always so excited to see those first grape hyacinths brightening random patches where they have spread with help from the birds.
We’re saying goodbye to the ruby lace locust that broke its trunk but I saved by bandaging and that is still a little twisted. No longer will we see the cedar waxwings feasting on the Russian olives nor smell the exotic aromas of the heirloom roses. Will other folks appreciate the jujube tree that I got from George Nakayama in trade? Or the maple that came from Marianne? Or the mulberry that was bartered with Mike & Cathy?
How many years did I stand next to the stick that was my London plane sycamore, scrunching up next to it in an effort to imagine what it would be like to actually have a tree that would shade me. Now its magnificent branches reach across a 40-foot span, and the paradise trees and many others soar out of sight above the second story of the house.
I cherish each and every plant (okay, not really the yuccas into which I have backed a thousand times nor the prickly pear that Chris mows right over but is never deterred from living): some are gifts we have given each other; I don’t think there’s a one that doesn’t have a story. I could go on and on - oh, that’s right - I already did.
May the new owner enjoy them for their beauty.
This will not be my year for gardening, but it doesn’t mean forever, either.
Seasons . . .
Trees are in bloom all over Mid-spring-land; “our” mulberries have just burst forth with nubbins of green buds that undoubtedly will be large welcome cooling leaves when we see them next in a week. I have no idea what other seasonal changes to expect. There are grass lawns in some neighborhoods; however, artificial turf appears to be fairly popular. After all, water is a scarce commodity in Mid-dry-land. I did read that the city is about to import water via a pipeline from a ranch, so perhaps that will moderate the situation somewhat. I suspect that at most, it will help to accommodate the boom population.
Wink sinks . . .
When we met with cousins Carl and Alice recently, the subject of sinkholes came up because of the news about the horror of the sinkhole death in Florida. When Carl told us about a sinkhole in Wink, we were intrigued enough to use a day off to search for it. After all, if we are deprived of the sight of the ground going up a la mountains, at least we can hope to see it going down a la sink holes.
A little research revealed that there are two of them, a few miles apart. Chris is becoming a Texan in that he seems to think nothing of driving long distances to achieve his destination. Thus, a day’s drive for an hour or two of experiencing what’s on the other end is just fine with him and since he is the one working, I indulge that without understanding why he wants to drive many miles on his occasional day off after driving many miles on his working days.
Off we go to the boyhood home of Roy Orbison (still haven’t gotten to that museum), Wink. Mr. Map-wise takes us right to the smallest oldest sink, which is entirely fenced off. Not to be deterred, we walk along a road closed to traffic until we gain a viewing spot. It is far more impressive than my imaginings, which visualized a slope-sided dry crater.
That sink is said to be stable, not enlarging, although I’m not too sure I believe that. We saw many ground cracks and fissures surrounding it, causing me to believe more dropping away could occur.
Our quest to see the newer sink hole did not result in a view, primarily because Chris refused to trespass after reading about folks being arrested for that very thing. Shucks, I thought it was worth a try but he refused to risk detention with me.
This sink is substantially larger than the older one and remains very active. It also is steep-sided but is in the middle of a huge subsidence of earth with many deep fissures concurrent with the sink itself - gigantic slabs of ground set to fall into the hole.
The danger is so extreme that a fence has been erected for about a square mile around it. There are some good pictures of it online but dang, I wanted to experience it up close and personal.
It was kinda scary to see how near to the big sink is a battery of large oil storage tanks. One hopes they don’t take a tumble; nothing around here surprises me.
Oil field tutorial . . .
As we drive, the statistics spouter behind the wheel spouts statistics pertaining to the oil fields. For instance, he tells me that the Permian Basin is the site of a full 25% of the oil wells being drilled in the U.S. - 459. Yikes, is it any wonder the place is bedlam!
The Berry Scar . . .
On the way to the Wink sinks, we wondered about a large sign posted about the Gardendale Berry scar, so I looked it up later to get the scoop.
I’ve never done this before, but I certainly can’t say this any better than the website, so am including the explanation here.
“Today, an historical marker was erected in Gardendale to commemorate a community that once was. Until two years ago, Gardendale, TX home to 2,200 plus people was a haven of quiet, country living at its finest. Horses, dogs, and families enjoyed the peacefulness of their small slice of heaven. However, Keystone Petroleum, and now, Berry Petroleum have changed all that.
Berry Petroleum has forever defaced the land we live on. Instead of riding trails, we have pipelines. Instead of hay fields, we have caliche pads. Instead of clean country air, we have noxious, poisonous gas. Berry Petroleum has stolen our future, Berry Petroleum has stolen our quality of life. This memorial will stand as a testimony of that theft.
The name “Berry Scar” was chosen from a predecessor of even greater destruction, the “Texon Scar” near Big Lake, TX. The “Texon Scar” is an area of almost 12 square miles (approximately the size of Gardendale) that is essentially a dead zone. Over 2 billion barrels of produced water containing high levels of salts, were dumped on the ground killing every living plant. After almost 90 years, still nothing will grow there; it is a wasteland. Drive down Hwy 158 in Gardendale, and pay homage to the community that once was.”
I was put in mind of my brother who collects such when I saw all these old insulators. |
Mifi, genealogy research . . .
A visit to the local telephone emporium availed us of a gadget that enables me to connect to the internet without needing to depend on the sporadic signal at the RV park. Now I can get back to doing some serious genealogy research, impossible before except by visits to the library to utilize their signal.
It’s all over, including the shouting . . .
Rowdy found a use for stacked boxes. . . |
. . . and held down packing material. |
Chris tended to much of the out buildings and outdoor items and kept me supplied with boxes and packing paper. I took time one day to see Julie Shapiro for a visit and a haircut, both most welcome, and to hand over genealogy research done for her.
From there, I walked to downtown Prescott to pretend that I already lived there and to revel in the crisp mountain air and familiar sights like the Courthouse Square. Chris met me and we indulged ourselves with our favorite Bill’s Pizza before heading back to the job at hand.
I also took one evening off for my mah jong group and Chris disappeared the next evening to do the talk and music for church. Various friends arrived to take charge of their foster plants, much to my relief - thank goodness for all of them.
Chris had one extremely long day away from the homestead to lead a hiking field trip up Diamond Creek in the Grand Canyon for Yavapai College. We were happy that could be combined with this trip - one less long drive.
And then my nervousness culminated on Saturday morning when the movers arrived. Keeping in mind that I had not moved for the past 37 years, I was not sure how it would transpire.
The four young men were friendly, professional and strong: all my fears were alleviated. They managed to put us into two trucks with nary a scowl to be seen and then to put us into storage units while maintaining their good humor despite an unbelievably hard-labor day.
Final clean-up on our part, crashing at friends’ house, departure at 5:30 a.m., an hour visit with brother and sister-in-law in Benson and 14 hours later, we were back in Mid-scary-land where the electronic sign informs us there have been 436 deaths on Texas highways already this year.
The boy is as tired as I am. Here he is sleeping it off in the closet. |