Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bon appetit!
August 25, 2009

Just back from seeing the movie “Julie and Julia”. I had originally wanted to see it with my women’s group back home, but it wasn’t released before we left. Then I thought it would be groovy to watch it with Sara while we were in Topeka, but the timing didn’t work out. So today I found myself as one of a theater-full of old women plus Chris and two other guys. Wow, Meryl Streep was beyond her always superb self. I dang near forgot she wasn’t actually Julia Child. Great acting and a very nice flick. Now to get out those cook books.

Speaking of cook books, Peg really did get me hooked on that basil gin gimlet. I’m having withdrawal symptoms, can’t make any more because I can’t find fresh sweet basil. Which reminds me - Shirley requested the recipe, which I promised and haven’t sent to her. Reminder to self - send recipe. Frustrating that I have sweet basil, parsley, etc. growing in my garden at home where I just saunter on out to cut it whenever I want, but can't acquire it here for love nor money.

And speaking of Topeka: those Kansas ants are still with us. Will it never end? I can’t fathom how many must have gotten in here. We have become fanatic ant murderers; I don’t even apologize to them any more, just stomp and crush, but still they come.

A real day off: this morning, we charted Ulster County, New York, wills until I was ready to throw Wessel Ten Broeck (all five of them) to the ants. Found many conflicts, pretty inexplicable really, since most of the data we had from before was also from wills; however, there seems to be a multitude of wives and children belonging to the same Wessel at the same time in most instances. Some of it will have to wait until we get home and can evaluate all the sources together.

If I had all my source material scanned into the computer as Leslie does, I could do it from here. Too bad I wasn’t as smart as she. In order to get that all scanned now, I would likely be working on it for the next 50 years, and that sounds like a very tedious way to spend a half-decade.

When we got into the funner stuff, it was way better, such as clearing up the mystery of the first mayor of Chicago. We had read someone’s account that one of Ezra Owen’s sons served in that capacity, but when we tried to verify it, learned it was not so. Now we have got it: his son, Colonel Thomas Jefferson Vance Owen was the first president of the village of Chicago, predating the office of mayor. He also served in the Illinois legislature with Abraham Lincoln.

Every day when we set out for whatever awaits us, we load up with every recording and communication device we own - cameras, phones, binoculars, computers. Today though, we were only bopping over to the movies, so dispensed with the paraphernalia. I immediately regretted it. I was so taken with the cute eating establishment at the theater - the seats all looked like finned cars of the 60s and were arranged as if they were at the drive-in movies, complete with something projected onto the large screen and window speakers hanging beside each table. The “cars” were cut off to eliminate the front half. I did want a photo of it. There were lots of attractive previews; maybe we’ll go back for another flick and I will be prepared.

Daily, I grow farther and farther behind on correspondence, seems we’re either going and doing or I’m writing about going and doing. I am thrilled with all the feedback that I’m getting, but feel bad that I don’t get it all acknowledged. This endeavor has been so much fun, primarily because of the thoughts and memories that everyone is sharing with me. I’ve learned things about people whom I’ve known for years that I had no idea about. It just shows how easily we can find connections with others if given the chance.

At any rate, this thing seemed to begin as a journal, but of course that doesn't require blogging it, so what is my motivation? I think it is simply to share with people I care about, so I thank you all for tripping with me and for writing and calling me about what we are doing, what you are doing or have done and what you think about it all - life, journeys, relationships - all of it. I'm having fun and hope that you are doing the same.

I expect not to see more than the top of Chris' increasingly shiny pate for a while. He has started to read the book I finished, "The Widow of the South." It is a historical novel relating to the Battle of Franklin - an excellent read.

One funny thing at this parque: unlike every other RV setup I've seen, this one seems not to have a golf cart for carting (what else), guiding, and so on; therefore, errands are accomplished by a guy zooming hither and yon on a riding mower, quite a bit noisier proposition. And speaking of riding mowers, holy cow - would that I had invested in such way back when. Seems that if you live anywhere not in the Southwest and you don't own one and spend all your spare time utilizing one, your entire home will be engulfed by crazed foliage within hours.

I do have one photo to include in today’s blog: Rowdy relaxing on the patio. As soon as Chris gets up to play the keyboard, our furry friend takes over the chair sitting task.

Au revoir!

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