Friday, September 16, 2016

Day trippin' - literally!
Sept. 16, 2016

The saga of how an innocent excursion to pick blackberries for breakfast pancakes leads to a meeting with a sheriff's deputy named Mike, Groom Creek firefighters Ernesto & Bob, and Brett & Robert: Lifeline Ambulance medics, fine gentlemen all.

A bit of birding at Wolf Creek, enjoying fall flowers, a stab (ha, ha!) at harvesting blackberries, and then a jaunt downstream: that was our lovely September morning, right up until the moment I slid on an innocent-enough-appearing slope and quickly realized that ankles tend to break when a foot assumes a 90-degree position sideways from the leg.

It most assuredly could have been worse (well, not so much for the ankle); we could have been out of cell range, we could have been off and gone into the back country far from vehicle access, I could have been lying in an ant hill while my pard summoned help, I could have broken my camera when I fell, I could have hit my head . . . anyway, none of that occurred and I was efficiently transported to the hospital where I was expeditiously dealt with.  An orthopedic doctor will inform us next week of our next step (ha, ha - chalk it up to pain meds), presuming there is one.

The good . . .

The bad . . .

Who knew there could be such hilarity in an ambulance???
The ugly . . .

A severely mistreated ankle.  I have apologized to it and we have made our peace.


azlaydey said...

RITA RITA RITA!!!! The only goog thing I can see of this journey is you weren't states away from home.

Charlotte said...

Did they have difficulty getting you out of where you fell to the ambulance? Ouch!!!!

Rita said...

Yes Bobbi, I consider it very fortunate to have been near to home. No Charlotte, the angels were looking out for me; we were very close to a dirt road that the ambulance could navigate.