September 1, 2009
We have gotten as far back in time zones as we will go this time - Eastern Standard Time - three hours earlier than home. I’m sure I’m not the first person to wonder if I keep going this direction, will I get younger. Let’s see: 24 time zones to gain a day. Somehow, it sounds as if it would be so exhausting that you’d lose more than you’d gain.
I swear it is not my doing, but I think the travelogue is sending itself twice each time. Last place, I could barely get it to go at all and now it’s so anxious it doubles up. Cousin Joyce suggested that I look into getting internet service through my cell phone while traveling so as not to be constrained by poor local providers. We will look into doing that, perhaps not until next trip, but will have to weigh the cost of that service. We knew it was pretty pricey when we checked it out quite a ways back.
We are camped just outside the town of Bluffton. We had never been here before, and just love the town. We are totally taken with its lovely old residential neighborhoods and love the marvelous historical downtown that seems vital and prosperous.
This afternoon, we stopped in Bluffton to check out the trail system along the Wabash. Didn’t go far because of perishable groceries in the truck but we were impressed with the outdoor amphitheater on the river’s bank.
Fort Wayne is about 25 miles from us, an easy enough drive. Today was our first time into the library there. It is renowned for its genealogy collections and for good reason. We decided to start in with the family history section. It seems obvious we will not advance beyond that. Because of the mass of material, we had to get seriously systematic: Chris started in the Zs; I began with the As. With 796 direct ancestors in our charts, we are sure to miss someone without referring to the index as we go.
Even so, we will have to further organize to even finish with that one department, so we will type up indexes tonight before our return and save the time we would have been doing that in the library. In about five hours, I am up to Baker and Chris has gotten to Vance: pretty obvious that we need to move along. They must have a zillion books and then there are zillions more microfilms and fiche.
Downtown parking is at a premium - that alone is costing us $7 per day, then copies at ten cents each is adding up rapidly with our stacks of reproductions. Thank goodness they don’t charge admission! The place is fairly uncrowded, though, and comfortably set up for research with power outlets in the center of the tables for the laptop. Speaking of laptops, we will bring the second one for subsequent work to facilitate looking up information about people in order to determine if we have found the correct people. Can't be dueling over computers.
This area lacks for its usual rainfall; the rivers are lower than normal and we’ve seen crops that are suffering. The RV park remains at about 1% occupancy as shown by this pic of our view.
Last year, we were here in late October and were sweat hogs. This year in August I'm wearing a sweatshirt and using three blankets at night - what's going on?
Best business name: Just Add Water Boats (they even allow test drives on their little lake).
Best real estate slogan: Everything we touch turns to sold.
Best farm name: Ample Acres
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